Only works with pngs with truecolor, alpha and no interlacing

truecolor = 8 bit image, alpha = transparency, interlacing is the way an image loads, Example

Prerequisites: Python installed, if not, download it here
Download the python script here

Running the script

In the folder you put your .py file in, right click while holding shift, then open powershell

In your PS window, type python .\[filename], the default filename for the script is
This will run a file in the local directory (.\) and in this case it's our python script (You can use tab to auto fill filepaths)

Fill in the filename, only the name this time. If it is in the same folder (this time you can't autofill)

Choose your image size (1 = about 1.5 pixels in game) keep in mind that there is a limit to how big an image can be
A super tiny image size also won't work (e.g. 0.2)

If it looks something like this (no errors and that, otherwise ping me or somehting), you should be good to continue!

You should find a txt file in the same folder, paste that into the TM description and you're done :)